Fraud Alert

Fraud Alert

We want to bring to your attention an important matter regarding your security and privacy. As of late, there has been an increase in spoofing calls targeting SMBC MANUBANK clients. These calls may appear to be from SMBC MANUBANK but are actually fraudsters attempting to obtain your personal and financial information. Your caller ID might even display the bank’s customer service number. But here is what to know: if the person starts asking for personal or account information, it is a scam. 

Phone spoofing is a technique used by fraudsters to manipulate the caller ID information displayed on a recipient’s phone when making a call. This allows the caller to disguise their identity or make it appear as though the call is coming from a legitimate phone number. The fraudster may claim that they work for your bank, and they might know partial information that you thought was private. Do not be fooled by spoofing attempts. 
To ensure your safety and security, please remember the following:

  1. Verify Caller Identity: Always verify the identity of the caller, especially if they claim to be from SMBC MANUBANK. If you are unsure, hang up and call our Customer Contact Center at 877-560-9812, or your local branch.
  2. Protect Personal Information: Never provide personal or financial information over the phone unless you are certain of the caller’s identity and legitimacy. SMBC MANUBANK will never ask you to disclose sensitive information such as your username, password, Social Security Number, PIN, full account number, or One Time Passcode (OTP). 
  3. Remain Cautious: Be cautious of urgent or threatening language used by callers, as well as requests for immediate action or payments. Fraudsters often use these tactics to pressure individuals into providing sensitive information or making hasty decisions. 
  4. Report Suspicious Activity: If you receive a suspicious call or believe you have been targeted by a spoofing attempt, please report it to our bank immediately. You can contact our Customer Contact Center at 877-560-9812 or visit one of our branches for assistance. 

Your security is our top priority, and we are committed to safeguarding your financial well-being. By remaining vigilant and following these guidelines, you can help protect yourself against fraudulent activities.